
We all know that eating a healthy diet makes us feel better, but for many families it has become more difficult to enjoy a varied and balanced diet as nutritious food can be expensive. Packaged and prepared foods are often more affordable, but lack the proteins, carbohydrates, good fats, vitamins, and minerals that our bodies need to function effectively. They are also high in sugar, salt, and bad fats. At Full Bellies, our aim is to prepare healthy ‘real’ food while still providing a ‘kiwi kids’ lunch bag which includes a variety of tasty foods that the children can look forward to.

Full Bellies will follow the NZ Ministry of Health Manatu Hauora – ‘Food and nutrition guidelines’

to ensure our tamariki receive a variety of foods from the four major food groups - vegetables and fruit, breads and cereals, milk and milk products and protein foods such as lean meat, poultry, eggs, legumes, and seeds. We will also ensure key dietary requirements, cultural needs and allergens are adhered to.

Rochelle Waghorn

“Hi, my name is Rochelle Waghorn, I am currently in my second year of an applied science degree in human nutrition. I love promoting the benefits of a healthy diet and am honoured to be able to help our Full Bellies kids achieve better learning and social outcomes, at a peak time in their development, and while their future eating habits are being established.”

Making a difference in the lives of children.

A brighter future for the next generation

Supporting Schools, families, and children

Removing the barrier of a hungry tummy